Daiku Dojo - Updates Log
We constantly update Daiku Dojo with new contents. While the News link contains pointers to just newly added web pages, the Updates Log contains more detailed records of updates to the web contents which includes updates/revisions to old and new pages.
- 2009/12/06 - Major update to The Gate and Fence Project at the Japanese Garden in Oakland, CA.
- 2009/10/10 - Added Piedmont (North Carolina) Japanese Carpentry Club - handplaning contest on Saturday, Dec 12, 2009.
- 2009/09/06 - Added comments from Alex Gilmore to the page Japanese Hand Tools II Class - Natural Waterstone Workshop With Alex Gilmore.
- 2009/08/30 - Added Japanese Hand Tools II Class - Tansu joinery.
- 2009/05/05 - Added California Daiku, Jay van Arsdale's new web site, to the Links page.
- 2009/02/08 - Added Japanese Hand Tools II Class - Dovetailed through mortise and tenon joinery.
- 2009/02/01 - Added Japanese Hand Tools II Class - Natural Waterstone Workshop With Alex Gilmore.
- 2009/02/01 - Added Tools donations from friends of Daiku Dojo.
- 2009/01/19 - Added Japanese Hand Tools II Class - Dovetailed half lap joinery.
- 2009/01/31 - Added Inomoto videos by Gordon Long to Kezurou-Kai event at Walton's Saw Works in San Rafael, CA.
- 2009/01/29 - Added Daiku Bob's medium-sized toolbox under Bob Le's user profile.
- 2009/01/11 - Migrated contents to new server block.
- 2009/01/01 - Added Daiku Bob's Four-cornered end grain boxes under Bob Le's user profile.
- 2008/12/22 - Updated Bob Le's user profile page.
- 2008/12/21 - Added Daiku Bob's yoga tool box under Bob Le's user profile.
- 2008/11/29 - Added PDF files for Robert Meadow's Publications (The Lutherie).
- 2008/11/29 - Added Jay van Arsdale's Mockup Gate for the Merritt Garden.
- 2008/11/29 - Added Summer Class: Designing, Building, and Installing Shoji - 2008/06/24 through 2008/07/31.
- 2008/11/24 - Added Daiku Bob's twin-sized bed frame under Bob Le's user profile.
- 2008/11/24 - Added Kezurou-Kai event at Walton's Saw Works in San Rafael, CA. on June 14-15, 2008.
- 2008/09/27 - Added The Beginning of the Gate and Fence Project at the Japanese Garden in Oakland, CA.
- 2008/06/02 - Added Bob Le's user profile (still work in progress) - Dovetail boxes..
- 2008/06/02 - Added for 2008/05/24 Japanese Hand Tools I Class - Last day of Spring 2008 semester.
- 2008/06/02 - Added Robert Meadow's Publications (The Lutherie).
- 2008/05/28 - Added Bob Le's user profile (still work in progress) - Waterstone mud and planes..
- 2008/04/23 - Updated the News page - Added a link to Michael Hollihn's blog which contains a podcast of Jay's talk on The Japanese Saw.
- 2008/04/23 - Updated the Links page - removed stale links and added Mike Laine's Wooden Heart web site.
- 2008/04/22 - Added new class and event info to the Classes section and Main page.
- 2008/03/01 - Added Laney class photos for 2008/03/01 - Japanese Hand Tools II Class - Sliding dovetail joint with floating dovetail key.
- 2008/02/24 - Added Laney class photos for 2008/02/23 - Japanese Hand Tools II Class - Making bird's mouth joinery.
- 2008/02/19 - Added for 2007/09/16 Japanese Hand Tools II Class - Japanese gate project, part 33.
- 2008/02/19 - Added for 2007/09/09 Japanese Hand Tools II Class - Japanese gate project, part 32.
- 2008/02/19 - Added for 2007/08/11 Japanese Hand Tools II Class - Japanese gate project, part 31.
- 2008/02/19 - Added for 2007/07/28 Japanese Hand Tools II Class - Japanese gate project, part 30.
- 2008/02/19 - Added for 2007/07/21 Japanese Hand Tools II Class - Japanese gate project, part 29.
- 2008/02/19 - Added for 2007/07/07 Japanese Hand Tools II Class - Japanese gate project, part 28.
- 2008/01/30 - Added for 2007/07/01 Japanese Hand Tools II Class - Japanese gate project, part 27.
- 2008/01/30 - Added for 2007/06/22 Japanese Hand Tools II Class - Japanese gate project, part 26 (Painting end grains and chamfers, test fitting of joints).
- 2008/01/29 - Added Kikuo Kanda: Mosaku white steel in the Kanna Gallery.
- 2008/01/28 - Added Kinshiro mortise gauge to Gallery: Japanese Hand Tools.
- 2008/01/28 - Added new Laney class photos for 2008/01/26 - Japanese Hand Tools II.
- 2008/01/28 - Added new Laney class photos for 2007/10/13 - Japanese Hand Tools II.
- 2008/01/28 - Added Kamaji woodworking knives by Yoshihiro Yamamoto to Gallery: Japanese Hand Tools.
- 2008/01/28 - Added Tasai mokume push chiels to Nomi Gallery.
- 2008/01/27 - Added small chisel tray and stack of toolboxes links to How to: Making a Japanese Toolbox.
- 2008/01/27 - Added 2007 Inomoto dai making seminar at the Shizutani School..
- 2007/10/23 - Added small toolbox link to How to: Making a Japanese Toolbox.
- 2007/10/23 - Added Takahashi sokozarai to Takahashi sokozarai page.
- 2007/06/13 - Event added: Jay doing a talk/demo on October 2, 6pm at the Sonoma County Woodworkers Association in Petaluma.
- 2007/06/10 - Garden structures at Sacramento State, by Jay van Arsdale..
- 2007/05/29 - Class field trip on 2007/05/20 - Tea ceremony and tea room appreciation.
- 2007/05/28 - Added picture of Imai-san doing layout.
- 2007/05/28 - Added Inspiring Images page to the main page.
- 2007/05/25 - Updated Book gallery with a few new books.
- 2007/05/21 - Added Douglas Brooks' boatbuilding website to the Links page.
- 2007/05/20 - Added new Laney class photos for 2007/05/19 - Japanese Hand Tools II.
- 2007/05/20 - Added new Laney class photos for 2007/05/12 - Japanese Hand Tools II.
- 2007/05/20 - Added another of Manny's sumitsubos's to the Sumitsubo Gallery.
- 2007/05/20 - Added Bob's new Kikuhiromaru slick to Nagaoke's Kikuhiromaru page.
- 2007/05/20 - Added Nishiyam's letter to Will Beemer to the main page of the Timber Framers Guild 2007 Western Conference.
- 2007/05/07 - Added new Laney class photos for 2007/05/05 - Japanese Hand Tools II.
- 2007/05/03 - Updated class schedules with Fall Laney classes and John Burt's Marc Adams class.
- 2007/05/03 - Updated Links page with the monosukuri.net site.
- 2007/05/01 - Added new Laney class photos for 2007/04/21 - Japanese Hand Tools I (Student photos).
- 2007/04/30 - Added Daiku Dojo participated at the 2007 Nikkei Matsuri.
- 2007/04/30 - Added John Burt's Joinery Samples.
- 2007/04/30 - Added new Laney class photos for 2007/04/28 - Japanese Hand Tools I.
- 2007/04/30 - Added new Laney class photos for 2007/04/28 - Japanese Hand Tools II.
- 2007/04/23 - Added new Laney class photos for 2007/04/21.
- 2007/04/23 - Added more photos to Machiai Workshop at the Timber Framers Guild 2007 Western Conference.
- 2007/04/17 - Added Machiai Workshop at the Timber Framers Guild 2007 Western Conference.
- 2007/03/31 - Added new Laney class photos for 2007/03/31.
- 2007/03/31 - Added new Laney class photos for 2007/03/24. We now have slideshows courtesy of TripTracker.
- 2007/03/24 - Added Manny's sumitsubo to the Sumitsubo Gallery.
- 2007/03/17 - Added new Laney class photos for 2007/03/17.
- 2007/03/18 - Added Kengo Usui: Yuki no Mai in the Kanna Gallery.
- 2007/03/14 - Updated Toolboxes and Tool Storage page with Jay's saw storage box.
- 2007/03/14 - Added how-to entry for toolbox to How To's section.
- 2007/03/13 - Added new Laney class photos for 2007/03/10.
- 2007/03/13 - Added new Laney class photos for 2007/03/03.
- 2007/03/13 - Added new Laney class photos for 2007/02/24.
- 2007/03/13 - Added Kengo Usui: Mugen no Yume in the Kanna Gallery.
- 2007/03/13 - Added Kengo Usui: Jo no Mai in the Kanna Gallery.
- 2007/03/13 - Added Kengo Usui: Banyu in the Kanna Gallery.
- 2007/03/13 - Added Chiyozuru Sadahide I: Awaji no Yunagi in the Kanna Gallery.
- 2007/03/13 - Added Tsunesaburo II: Hida no Yugiri in the Kanna Gallery.
- 2007/03/13 - Added Kenji Sakata: Ran in the Kanna Gallery.
- 2007/03/13 - Added Takeo Nakano: Toryo Homare to the Kanna Gallery.
- 2007/03/12 - Identied name of Yoshihiro Yamamoto's Tamamoku plane in the Kanna Gallery.
- 2007/02/21 - Added Horiba seal to Japanese Woodworking Tool Makers.
- 2007/02/19 - Added more Yataiki photos from the 2003 workshop in Yataiki - Consolidated Web Page.
- 2007/02/15 - Added dai makers: Inomoto #1 and #2, Kokichiya, Nimura, Matsuo, Hisao, and Horiba to Japanese Woodworking Tool Makers.
- 2007/02/14 - Added Mitsukawa 195mm hardwood ryoba in Nokogiri Gallery.
- 2007/02/14 - Added Mitsukawa 180mm ryoba in Nokogiri Gallery.
- 2007/02/13 - Added Nakajima 420mm ryoba in Nokogiri Gallery.
- 2007/02/13 - Identied name of Funahiro Tenkei in Kanna Gallery. Thanks to Steve Johnson.
- 2007/02/10 - Updated Toolboxes and Tool Storage page with Jim Clarke's new toolbox.
- 2007/02/10 - Added new Laney class photos for 2007/02/10.
- 2007/02/04 - Added Yamaguchi's White Phoenix to Kanna Gallery.
- 2007/02/04 - Added Tsunesaburo II's Gojyunen to Kanna Gallery.
- 2007/02/04 - Added Yokosaka's Rakuzan to Kanna Gallery.
- 2007/02/04 - Added Imai atsu-nomi to Nomi Gallery.
- 2007/02/03 - Added new Laney class photos for 2007/02/03.
- 2007/02/03 - Added photo of Shindo in use (photo# 7) in Nokogiri Gallery.
- 2007/01/31 - Added Japanese Tearoom at Washington and Lee University to Links page.
- 2007/01/30 - Added Deborah Greene's toolbox to the Toolboxes and Tool Storage page.
- 2007/01/30 - Fixed a bug in the How-to page which prevented Internet Explorer from viewing the page.
- 2007/01/29 - Added Ishido's Sakari to Kanna Gallery.
- 2007/01/28 - Added scabbard gallery to How-to page: Chisel Scabbard.
- 2007/01/27 - Added how-to entry for hammer handle to How To's section.
- 2007/01/27 - Added new Laney class photos for 2007/01/27.
- 2007/01/24 - Added more books to Book gallery
- 2007/01/20 - Added new Laney class photos for 2007/01/20.
- 2007/01/16 - Added how-to entry for marking gauge, pyramid post, and dai to How To's section.
- 2007/01/15 - Disk space ran out - reached 1GB capacity. Service has been upgraded.
- 2007/01/15 - Added How To's section. First how-to entry is Chisel Scabbard.
- 2007/01/15 - Added info on Jay's TFG 2007 western conference in Classes page.
- 2007/01/15 - Removed reference to Laney's Fall 2006 class in Daiku Dojo Home Page.
- 2007/01/14 - Added Gallery: Nokogiri.
- 2007/01/14 - Added Nipponia and Palomar College's link (including their Kezurou-Kai links) to the Links page.
- 2007/01/14 - Updates log file created by Bob Le.