Japanese Hand Tools and Joinery Classes - Spring 2012
Taught by Jay van Arsdale
these classes are on Saturday and Sunday from January 21-22 to march 31
Held at Laney College Woodtech department. Sign up at Peralta College.
Code 30324
Semester classes start jan 28 and end May 19---cost $52, 2 credits.
Students must supply their own tools and wood for these classes. limit 30 students
Special Projects- Laney Wood Tech 200
Held at Laney College Woodtech department. Sign up at Peralta College.
Tuesdays and Thursdays 6-10pm Semester classes start June 16 and end July 26th ---cost $52, 2 credits.
Students must supply their own tools and wood for these classes. limit 30 students
Merritt Landscape Horticulture- lanht 59
Held at Laney College Woodtech department. Sign up at Peralta College.
Mondays and Wednesdays 6-10pm Semester classes start June 4 and end August 1 ---cost $52, 2 credits.
Students must supply their own tools and wood for these classes. limit 30 students
The following classes are held in Jay van Arsdale's shop. To sign up, contact him at 510-635-7182 or jayvanarsdale< at >aol.com .
9 classes (jan 28, feb4, 11, no class 18,feb25, mar 3,10,17,24,31 )
Prereq is intro to japanese hand tools and joinery, and have basic tools.
Limit 10 students. Cost is $385
Sunday 9am-1pm cost $ 295.
Preq is into to Japanese hand tools and joinery and advanced joinery. We will be working together on projects for non-profs in the community. We have a few interesting projects lined up. We are just finishing the new fence at KoHanEn-
the Japanese garden at lakeside park at Lake Merritt in downtown Oakland. Check out our work at www.daikudojo.org . our project this session is building a three sided roofed kiosk for the Merritt college landscape garden - we are looking forward to doing more work at the garden in the near future. In each of the shop classes we have 2 scholarships to waive one half of the class fee for students who need and deserve aid. Contact us for more info.
(Indianapolis) in aug. plus week workshops this summer.
contact Richard at rswiborg@aol.com. Further notices about this workshop and summer workshops will be posted. Jay will be teaching a 5-day intro class at Marc Adams school
Highlights From Class
- Japanese Gate (community project) - August 26, 2006, Completed on September 16, 2007.
- Making a Dai (Japanese Wooden Plane Body) - April 01, 08 of 2006
- Building Workbenches - January 14, 21, 28, February 04, 11 of 2006
- Toolboxes and Tool Storage - January 28, 2006
- Japanese Hand Tools - January 28, 2006
Class Photo Journal
- 2009/08/30 - Japanese Hand Tools II Class: Tansu Joinery.
- 2009/02/08 - Japanese Hand Tools II Class: Dovetailed Through Mortise and Tenon Joinery.
- 2009/02/01 - Japanese Hand Tools II Class: Natural Waterstone Workshop With Alex Gilmore.
- 2009/01/19 - Japanese Hand Tools II Class: Dovetailed Half Lap Joinery.
- 2008/07/31 - Summer Class: Designing, Building, and Installing Shoji - 2008/06/24 through 2008/07/31.
- 2008/05/24 - Japanese Hand Tools I Class: Last day of Spring 2008 semester.
- 2008/03/01 - Japanese Hand Tools II Class: Sliding dovetail joint with floating dovetail key.
- 2008/02/23 - Japanese Hand Tools II Class: Making bird's mouth joinery.
- 2008/01/26 - Japanese Hand Tools II Class: Making sliding dovetail joinery.
- 2007/10/13 - Japanese Hand Tools II Class: Building mock-ups of Nakashima's Conoid chair.
- 2007/09/16 - Japanese Hand Tools II Class: Japanese Gate Project (Part 33).
- 2007/09/09 - Japanese Hand Tools II Class: Japanese Gate Project (Part 32).
- 2007/08/11 - Japanese Hand Tools II Class: Japanese Gate Project (Part 31).
- 2007/07/28 - Japanese Hand Tools II Class: Japanese Gate Project (Part 30).
- 2007/07/21 - Japanese Hand Tools II Class: Japanese Gate Project (Part 29).
- 2007/07/07 - Japanese Hand Tools II Class: Japanese Gate Project (Part 28).
- 2007/07/01 - Japanese Hand Tools II Class: Japanese Gate Project (Part 27).
- 2007/06/22 - Japanese Hand Tools II Class: Japanese Gate Project (Part 26) - Painting end grains and chamfers, test fitting of joints.
- 2007/05/19 - Japanese Hand Tools II Class: Japanese Gate Project (Part 25) - Test fitting doors, ridge beam carving, more mortise and tenon works.
- 2007/05/12 - Japanese Hand Tools II Class: Japanese Gate Project (Part 24) - Completely dismantled gate, roof material preparation.
- 2007/05/05 - Japanese Hand Tools II Class: Japanese Gate Project (Part 23) - End cap carving, building doors and wall panels, dismantling rafters.
- 2007/04/28 - Japanese Hand Tools I Class: Joinery.
- 2007/04/28 - Japanese Hand Tools II Class: Japanese Gate Project (Part 22) - Fitting rafters, building doors.
- 2007/04/21 - Japanese Hand Tools I Class: Student photos.
- 2007/04/21 - Japanese Gate Project (Part 21) - Fitting rafters, building doors.
- 2007/03/31 - Japanese Gate Project (Part 20) - Gate assembly.
- 2007/03/24 - Japanese Gate Project (Part 19) - Joinery exercise from Jay's morning introductory class
- 2007/03/17 - Japanese Gate Project (Part 18) - Gate assembly.
- 2007/03/10 - Japanese Gate Project (Part 17) -
- 2007/03/03 - Japanese Gate Project (Part 16) -
- 2007/02/24 - Japanese Gate Project (Part 15) -
- 2007/02/10 - Japanese Gate Project (Part 14) - Carving completed, painting began.
- 2007/02/03 - Japanese Gate Project (Part 13) - Carving, big joints.
- 2007/01/27 - Japanese Gate Project (Part 12) - Rafter carving continues, cutting big tenons, Jay's saw sharpening demo.
- 2007/01/20 - Japanese Gate Project (Part 11) - Workbench assembly, rafter carving, more joinery.
- 2007/01/13 - Japanese Gate Project (Part 10) - Big joints & secret of gooseneck joint.
- 2006/12/16 - Japanese Gate Project (Part 9) - Layout work and cutting of big joints.
- 2006/12/09 - Japanese Gate Project (Part 8) - Post and beam mortise/tenon, carving cloud pattern on rafters, more mockup joinery.
- 2006/12/02 - Japanese Gate Project (Part 7) - Post and beam joinery, lots of sawing and chopping.
- 2006/11/18 - Japanese Gate Project (Part 6) - Work on ridge beam, rafters with slanted dovetails, and prototype of gooseneck joint.
- 2006/11/11 - Japanese Gate Project (Part 5) - Layout on paper.
- 2006/11/04 - Japanese Gate Project (Part 4) - Timber dimensioning.
- 2006/10/28 - Joinery works, wooden trestles.
- 2006/10/21 - Joinery works and making marking gauges.
- 2006/10/14 - Curved plane demonstration and more yari ganna demonstration.
- 2006/10/07 - Yari ganna demonstration, Herman's coopered-bottom chair.
- 2006/09/30 - Japanese Gate Project (Part 3) - Joint selections for gate.
- 2006/09/18 - Japanese Gate Project (Part 2) - Life-sized Mockup
- 2006/09/09 - Joinery project: Kiguchi-ari.
- 2006/08/26 - Japanese Gate Project (Part 1)
- 2006/05/20 - Last day of class for Spring semester (see also Party at Jay's workshop)
- 2006/05/13
- 2006/05/06
- 2006/04/29 - Preparation for Nikkei Matsuri Festival
- 2006/04/22 - Tuning Katsusaburo block planes
- 2006/04/01, 04/8 - Making a Dai
- 2006/03/25
- 2006/03/18
- 2006/03/11
- 2006/01/21, 01/28, 02/04, 02/11 - Building Workbenches