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The old growth redwood timbers arrived yesterday from Jackel Enterprises Inc. of Watsonville, CA. Jay, Jim, and Herman were onsite to unload for storage in our Laney workshop. We spent much of today machining the timbers to dimension using the heavy machineries in the machine shop next door.
Highlights from today's class:
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4 - Timbers in various sizes - 8x8, 2x10, 3x4, 4x8, etc. Some are 16 feet in length. | |
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7 - Making space to store the timbers. | |
8 - Jay sorting out timbers for posts, ridge beams, purlins, etc. Sensei's got it all figured out. The rest of us are just struggling to keep up. | |
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11 - Some new design changes (see old design here). There will now be 4 posts with an asymmetric roof structure. | |
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13 - The machine shop with the big Oliver planer and jointer. | |
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40 - A nice picture of Jay (see full-sized photo). | |
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44 These 8x8 are quiet a handful. That's Phil supporting the outfeed with Jason, Jay, and Herman on the infeed. |